About Jersey City Ed

Is pre-kindergarten available in my child’s neighborhood?  What middle school do I go to after elementary school?  How are the high schools in Jersey City? Should we prepare for admissions tests? What are the best public schools, best charter schools, and best private schools near me?

For many of us parents, choosing a public middle school or high school was not necessary.  When we were kids, we simply hopped on the bus that took us to the nearest school.  In Jersey City, however, the students have options.

AEP, Infinity, Explore Middle School, LCCS, TECCS, McNair Academic, High Tech High School, private schools, charter schools, and quite a few more.  Where should parents and students begin?  We had so many questions, and it was difficult to get answers.  We talked to our friends, we asked the parent association at our elementary school for help, we visited schools, and we spoke to students.

But wouldn’t it be nice to have all of the information, freely available to everyone, in one place?  We thought so, too.

Our Mission

Jersey City Ed is devoted to providing information about educational opportunities for children in Jersey City. Our mission is to empower parents and students to make informed decisions about their educational choices.